Monday, January 25, 2010

Blago : " I Told You So" on Illinois Corruption

PR News Channel has this press release from Rod Blagojevich:
Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich today praised the CHICAGO TRIBUNE for its expose on Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and the apparent conflicts of interest between his job as a powerful polician and the clients he represents in his law practice.

"If this isn't corrupt I don't know what is," said the former governor on his WLS radio show this afternoon. "Finally the CHICAGO TRIBUNE has done something about this."

"I hate to tell you I told you so I told you so," said the former governor the show.

Blagojevich says he doubts Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Michael Madigan's daughter, will do an investigation.

"Madigan & Getzendanner has become a go-to firm in Chicago's lucrative field of commercial property tax appeals," CHICAGO TRIBUNE, the paper wrote. "In 2008 it represented 45 of the 150 most valuable downtown buildings, based on values set by the last complete city reassessment in 2006, according to public records. That's more than twice what the closest rival represented."

"Hey Mike Madigan why don't you call me on this show," Blagojevich said on the radio. "Why don't you disclose who your clients are. We have a right to know."

Madigan never called.

But others did. The lines lit up.

"If Madigan has his way he's gonna make Illinois his personal feifdom," said Jerry from University of Illinois.

As governor, Blagojevich rewrote HB824 which called for lawmakers to disclose their clients. The bill died after that.