Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chicago Alderman Burke Explains How Chicago Mob Brought the First Mayor Daley to Power

Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Taylor in their excellent book on the first Mayor Daley explain how Daley came to power. Powerful Alderman Ed Burke is something of an expert on the subject the Chicago Mob and Mayor Daley's rise to power (page 191):
Daley also owed a more personal debt to the syndicate. There are some who say it was responsible for giving Daley his start in politics. Alderman Edward Burke figures that Daley won his first important machine position, 11th Ward committeeman, because syndicate-connected Italians from the north end of the ward dumped "Babe" Connelly and backed him. " They were sick of the old man," says Burke." He was probably taking too big a slice of the gambling and whatever." At the very least, the syndicate delivered its precincts strongly for Daley in his citywide campaigns. In the 1955 mayor primary, Daley beat Kennelly in the syndicate-controlled 1st Ward by 13,275 to 1,961 and carried the syndicate's 28th Ward handily.
It appears Alderman Burke has associated with the Chicago Mob.