Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wall Street's $4 Trillion Kitty

Reuters reports:
The Obama administration’s plan for reining in derivatives leaves unchecked one of Wall Street’s dirty little secrets: the ability of a derivatives dealer to redeploy cash collateral that gets posted by one of its trading partners.

On Wall Street, this practice of taking collateral and reusing it is called rehypothecation. In essence, it’s a form of free money for derivatives dealers to use as they please — even to repost it as collateral to finance their parent company’s own borrowings.

And we’re talking big bucks. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association recently reported that derivatives dealers have taken in $4 trillion in collateral from their trading partners. That’s an 86 percent increase over the $2.1 trillion in cash collateral those same dealers reported having on their books in early 2008.
An article well worth your time.