Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Rich Are Not Easy Quarry

Reuters reports:
The U.S. tax code is replete with legal dodges for the wealthy, whether you are a top executive, independent business owner or the lucky recipient of inherited wealth.

Well-paid salaried employees often have considerable leverage over how they are paid. For this group, tax-efficient fringe benefits — including lavish health plans, and use of the corporate jets and other perks — may increase. Stock options may become more popular still, enabling employees to defer tax until they retire and have lower incomes.

Business owners have even more flexibility and can deliberately muddle personal and business consumption. And as income tax surges above corporation tax, business owners may choose to pay themselves risible salaries, locking up their wealth in their companies.

The wealthy may also choose investment strategies that avoid income and maximize capital gains, further reducing potential tax revenues. The capital gains tax is preferable because there is flexibility in when gains can be taken. Tax-exempt municipal bonds could also become more popular.
You'll want to read this whole thing.