Saturday, July 04, 2009

Flashback 1997: Federal Grand Jury Targeted Alderman Burke

Here's a flashback from The Chicago Tribune, December 3, 1997 (Sorry no link):
A federal grand jury has launched a probe of Ald. Edward Burke (14th), the chairman of the City Council's Finance Committee, and former 11th Ward alderman Patrick Huels, who used to be floor leader for Mayor Richard Daley.

Officials said Tuesday that federal agents last week served grand jury subpoenas for campaign finance records and other related documents involving the two aldermen. State and county election authorities are required to turn over the documents later this month, sources said.

The demand for records from the grand jury marks the first time that federal prosecutors have sought campaign finance records on the two men, who were partners in a private detective agency that failed to pay federal payroll taxes on time. Last month, federal agents subpoenaed Huels' aldermanic expense reports.

Sources said that one of the focuses of the federal investigation is SDI Security Inc., the private firm of which Huels is a part-owner and Burke once served as secretary.
Alderman Burke sure is special, how about those payroll taxes?