Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Axelrod's Son Hired by Huffington Post

The Washington Post reports:
David Axelrod's son is following his father's career path -- that is, the one he had before becoming a political strategist.

Ethan Axelrod is joining the Huffington Post, the liberal Web site that has been largely supportive of President Obama. His dad, now a White House senior adviser, was a Chicago Tribune reporter until he quit in 1984 to help run a Senate campaign (and still has a soft spot for newspapers, though his old one is in bankruptcy).

"I've been interested in journalism for a while," the 22-year-old Axelrod said Tuesday. "I heard through my father that they were expanding, so I applied for it."
It's the least the Huffington Post can do, after all the work they did for free during the campaign.