Sunday, July 26, 2009

$10 an Hour Minimum Wage Ballot Measure Proposed By Powerful Michigan Democrat

The Detroit News reports on economic illiteracy:
Mark Brewer seems determined to prove that Michigan Democrats are incapable of providing responsible leadership during the state's moment of crisis.

The state Democratic Party chairman is proposing a package of ballot initiatives that would raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour, increase and extend unemployment insurance benefits, slash utility rates and place a moratorium on home foreclosures.

Any one of these job-killing, budget-busting measures would drive Michigan beyond the reach of economic recovery. It's hard to say whether his ideas are more ridiculous or more despicable. Brewer may as well add a proposal requiring the state to write every citizen a $1 million check. The effect of emptying Michigan of job providers and investors would be about the same.
Once you give the state the power to regulate wages: this sort of thing will happen. Mark Brewer is the enemy of the unemployed. Hap tip Right Wing News