Friday, June 05, 2009

Some Young Jews Don't Like Obama

Gawker reports:
The night before Barack Obama's Cairo speech, Max Blumenthal took to the streets of Jerusalem to ask young Israelis and American Jews what they thought of Obama. Blumenthal calls the results "the most shocking footage I have ever filmed."

Blumenthal, an American documentary film director and writer, is certainly right, the video is shocking, but not so much for what is said, though it's all definitely quite jarring to hear, but more for who is saying it. You just don't expect (At least we don't!) young, educated Israelis and American Jews to be saying things on camera like "white power, fuck the niggers" and "anyone who wants to take away my gun rights is an asshole and deserves to get shot" and "he's a Muslim for sure, he's like a terrorist." You'd expect them to be a bit more enlightened, but we suppose that this certainly proves that ignorance truly knows no borders, for what follows in this probably worse than any of the Youtube videos of red state right-wingers spouting ignorance to emerge during the election last year or after any of the recent tax day tea parties held around the country.
I guess some young Jews aren't impressed with Obama surrounding himself around David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel.