Monday, June 01, 2009

Obama's Shady Local Earmark as a Illinois State Senator Makes News

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
One of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's big blunders -- awarding a $1 million state grant to a private school that, as things turned out, never operated as a school once it got the money -- is in the process of being fixed.

After months of negotiations, the owners of the Loop Lab School agreed last month to repay the 2006 grant. But it's still uncertain whether the state ever will get back the full $1 million because of other legal and financial problems the school is facing.

Unfortunately for taxpayers, the Loop Lab School debacle isn't that unusual.

Since 2003, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has found major improprieties with nine other grants doled out by lawmakers, including one that President Obama handed out back when he was a state senator.
You'll want to read the whole article to see Obama's amazing project.