That's not to say that some high profile Dems haven't been found Hiking the Appalachian Trail in recent years. John Edwards and Eliot Spitzer come immediately to mind.Josh Marshall is a loyal partisan Democrat. I guess it would be nice to believe that only one party, the Republican party, has a monopoly on sex and other scandal. Here's a few sex scandals Josh Marshall "forgot" about.
But there's just no denying that in the sex scandal derby Republicans are leaving Dems in the dust. Let's run through the recent list -- Foley, Craig, Vitter, Ensign, Sanford, Gibbons, Fossella, just to hit a few of the highlights. Who'm I missing?
1) Kwame Kilpatrick the Detroit Mayor who cost the taxpayers big money directly tied to the sex scandal.
2) Who could forget Governor Jim McGreevey the former Democratic Governor of New Jersey?
3)and 4) Senators Dodd and Kennedy?
These are just to name a few. We have a feeling that if the media wanted to they could find some "interesting" information on some present and past clients of David Axelrod. Stuff that wouldn't exactly be for a "family audience" or fit the narrative.