Saturday, June 06, 2009

Chicago Too Corrupt to Deserve Olympics : Chicago Sun-Times Sports Writer Asserts

Chicago Sun-Times sports reporter Rick Telander has something to say about Chicago:
The City of Chicago, led by Mayor Daley and a vast and tumorous army of aldermen and bagmen and yesmen and opportunists and spineless, parasitic political-machine halfwits of forms never seen outside the roiling cesspool of governmental slop-trough greed, has proven itself unworthy of something as potentially delicious and fulfilling as the 2016 Olympic Games.

There was an opportunity there.

But the pitiful stuff just keeps on comin', warnings be damned.

Best ever was the city parking meter deal that gave a private company the rights to all the quarters Chicago parkers can shove into sidewalk machines until 2084.
You'll want to read the whole article.