Tuesday, June 02, 2009

California unemployment fund short by billions

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:
California is paying out so much for jobless benefits and collecting so little in payroll taxes that its unemployment insurance fund could be $17.8 billion in debt by the end of 2010, according to a new report from the state Employment Development Department.

This latest fiscal crisis won't immediately affect the 1.1 million Californians now collecting benefits because the state is using an interest-free federal loan to cover their checks.

But the state is supposed to repay that loan and restore its unemployment fund to solvency by 2011 - and right now, policymakers aren't sure exactly how to do that, or at what cost.

"The deficit that California looks like it is facing is staggering," said Bud Bridger, fiscal officer for the unemployment insurance program.
Great moments in Blue America.