Tuesday, June 16, 2009

After lobbyist boasts, Feinstein cancels event: John Podesta's Sister in Law Makes News

The Washington Times reports:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, abruptly canceled a campaign fundraising lunch scheduled for Wednesday after the Washington lobbyist helping to organize the event suggested in an invitation that the committee's work would be served as the "first course."

Mrs. Feinstein, California Democrat, bowed Monday to concerns that the fundraising solicitation could be misinterpreted. The Senate panel she chairs has long prided itself on staying above the political fray because of the sensitive nature of its work.

"It was obvious that this would be subject to misinterpretation by some, and it was canceled to avoid any misinterpretation," said Gil Duran, a spokesman for the senator. "No contributions were received, so there is nothing to return."

Washington lobbyist Heather Podesta mentioned the intelligence committee in an e-mail invitation attached to a formal notice of the event, saying that the lunch at the upscale Charlie Palmer steakhouse in Washington would begin at noon. In the e-mail, she said donors who gave between $1,000 and $2,500 could order up "the Select Committee on Intelligence for the first course."