Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jan Schakowsky Defends Convicted Felon Husband

The Chicago Tribune reports on Jan Schakowsky:
Should she run, questions about Schakowsky's husband, Robert Creamer, will almost certainly be raised. He pleaded guilty in August 2005 to bank fraud and a federal tax charge and was sentenced to 5 months in prison and 11 months of home confinement.

Schakowsky said she has "brutally tested" the negatives her husband's record could bring to a statewide campaign, using polls that included the kind of attack words that could be used in a campaign against her.

"He's not so bad," she said of the results. "Everyone comes to a race with positives and negatives."

In Chicago,nothing is too bad. Jan Schakowsky was an early supporter of alleged former Chicago Mob bookmaker Rod Blagojevich.