The Chicago Tribune reports:
Since,virtually everyone in Chicago is a Democrat no one really cares.Chicago voters didn't even mind Blagojevich's shady background.
Mayor Richard Daley portrays himself as the most transparent big-city mayor in the country, yet he presides over an administration that routinely denies requests for records that show how Daley really runs Chicago.
With a nod from the mayor, Chicago's police chief defied federal judges who demanded a list of officers repeatedly accused of misconduct.
Daley's schools superintendent, now the nation's top education official, refused parents' requests for the documents behind a controversial decision to relocate their children's gifted program.
And the mayor scoffed at reporters and aldermen who demanded records detailing how he wanted to spend hundreds of millions of dollars he was seeking as part of the national economic stimulus plan. He was alone among big-city mayors in not revealing his wish list.