Thursday, April 30, 2009

NY lawmakers to review NYC transit bailout

The Boston Globe reports:
State legislative leaders are reviewing Gov. David Paterson's secret plan to bail out New York City's mass transit system, which could include a revised payroll tax to reimburse school districts for their cost.

Lawmakers said the many proposals still in play include altering the proposed payroll tax so employers farther from New York City in the 12-county MTA service region pay less than employers who most benefit from subway and bus service.

Another proposal revives the tradition of "bullet aid" for some school districts, which would provide additional aid equal to the cost of the payroll tax on districts.

Both measures could appeal to Democratic senators from Long Island now opposed to the plan. The measures also could attract some votes from Republicans, who already have forced the plan to include borrowing $1.2 billion for their districts upstate and on Long Island for roads and bridge work.
Your higher taxes are their generous pension that you don't get.Sickening.