Wednesday, April 29, 2009

California Education Lobby Uses Propaganda on Immigration Issue

Darren Miller reports on this amazing propaganda in California from California Educator magazine:
Elementary students speak of watching their parents dragged off by federal agents as their parents arrive to pick them up from school. The youngsters are left abandoned as their parents are led off in handcuffs. Such disturbing facts reveal the impact on the schoolchildren of federal immigration raids that have taken place on school grounds.

To help stop the trauma and protect students — the majority of whom are themselves American citizens — CTA is seeking legislative approval for AB 132, a CTA-sponsored measure by Assembly Member Tony Mendoza (D-Van Nuys). Mendoza, a former teacher and CTA member, has authored the bill to put into express state policy that immigration raids should not disrupt classroom instruction except as necessary to protect public safety.
You'll want to read this one.