Sunday, March 01, 2009

Miami condo king Jorge Pérez battles to survive real estate slump

The Miami Herald reports:
Rising from city bureaucrat to billionaire builder, Jorge Pérez became the great American success story, Miami style. The Cuban immigrant made the South Florida skyline his canvas, erecting high-rises from Miami to West Palm Beach.

But not one of them can compare to his latest creation, the ICON Brickell, a sumptuous $1 billion glass-and-concrete city within a city that includes three soaring towers, a pool the size of a football field, 1,640 condos, a boutique hotel and five restaurants.

It is Florida's most spectacular condo, Pérez's masterpiece, his legacy.

And, now, it may be his undoing.

Pérez is scrambling to survive one of the most turbulent moments in Florida real estate history. His company -- The Related Group -- has lost more than $1 billion in the last year and confronts nearly $2 billion in debt. The ICON, responsible for much of that debt, sits largely empty as those who made 20 percent preconstruction deposits either flee or find themselves unable to get a mortgage.
No word on the National Association of Realtors on this one