Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Judge finds Chicago Police Superintendent in Contempt of Court

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
A federal judge found police Supt. Jody Weis in contempt of court today and gave him until 8:45 a.m. Monday to release the names of officers who have at least five citizen complaints filed against them since 2000.

Last month, Weis refused a magistrate judge’s order to turn over the papers, saying handing over the names would “compromise officers’ performance, threaten safety, reduce morale and improperly impugn many officers’ otherwise well-deserved good reputations.”

The list is being sought — along with a more specific list of officers with excessive-force complaints filed against them — by attorneys suing the city over an allegation that an officer falsely arrested and used excessive force against two children.

In her lawsuit, Donna Moore claims Officer Robert Smith falsely arrested her 11-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter in 2007 over a playground dispute involving Smith's son. Smith allegedly "physically attacked" the children before they were arrested.

Judge Robert Gettleman ordered Weis to be in court Monday if he does not intend to turn over the lists.
Some corrupt people have much to hide in the Chicago Police Department.