Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Mayor Daley Remains Silent About His Connecton to Chicago Mob Associate Fred Barbara

John Kass of The Chicago Tribune reports:
As Outfit killer Nick Calabrese was testifying Wednesday about murders, about the killings of gangsters Tony and Michael Spilotro, about Tony asking to say a prayer before dying and about holy pictures burning in Nick's cupped hands during an Outfit "making" ceremony, someone else was burning, too.

The mayor of Chicago was burning. Not literally. It was more like fuming. He was upset with reporters daring to ask questions about his friend, campaign donor, fashionista, multimillionaire city contractor and neighborhood guy Fred Barbara."I think it's ridiculous," Daley said. "That's all I gotta say."
Here's some give and take between Daley and the Chicago media:
Gary Washburn: Mayor, this came out in federal court, though, in testimony, do you discount the possibility that it is true?

Daley: But I said, it's ridiculous to basicky [sic] place me in that position. That's how you do it, so I understand that. Any other questions?

Fran: Isn't he a friend of yours?

Daley: Any other questions?

Radio reporter in the back of the room: Is Barbara a mobster?

Daley: Any other questions?

Fran: But what is your relationship?

Daley: I said [voice raising] any other questions?
Fred Barbara happens to be a guy who's had a rather strong association with The Chicago Mob's 26th Street/Chinatown Crew.Who could forget that Fred Barbara is the nephew of the late Alderman Fred Roti? Alderman Roti was described by United States Justice Department as a "high ranking made member" of The Chicago Mob.The Chicago media could have asked why Mayor Daley "campaigned" with Alderman Roti before he was Mayor.On March 28,1989 The Chicago Sun-Times had an article titled "DALEY WARNS BACKERS AGAINST COMPLACENCY ".Here's Alf Siewers and Leon Pitt of the Sun-Times reporting(sorry no link):
While mayoral hopeful Timothy C. Evans called out "the movement," front-runner Richard M. Daley raked in the bucks, warning against complacency at what was billed as the last major fund-raiser of Daley's campaign.

"Regardless of what the polls say, regardless of what the editorials say, I need your help for the next seven days. . . . This election cannot be taken for granted," Daley told a crowd jamming the Hyatt Regency's Grand Ballroom.

Campaign staff estimated that more than 2,500 showed up for the $100-or-more-a-head buffet reception.

Across town at the University of Illinois Pavilion, thousands of Evans supporters joined in a rally reminiscent of the days when former Mayor Harold Washington exhorted members of his movement.

While the rally was in progress, Daley was being ushered around Chinatown by Ald. Fred Roti (1st) and a dancing dragon. He dismissed as "a lot of political statements" renewed charges by Evans that Daley is tied to special interests.

"He's desperate," Daley said.

Mayor Daley wasn't too desperate to be "ushered" around by Alderman Roti.