Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Mass. Versus New Hampshire:Tax War Threat

The Union Leader reports:
The Commonweath of Massachusetts is trying to turn New Hampshire businesses into tax collection agents for the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. To this, there is only one appropriate response from the state of New Hampshire. It isn't "no." It's "Hell, no."
A warning has been issued:
If the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upholds this clearly unconstitutional cross-border tax grab, Gov. Lynch should immediately dispatch the National Guard to all six Town Fair Tire locations in New Hampshire and tell Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, "If you want that revenue, come and get it."

We are not joking. New Hampshire cannot let Massachusetts apply its taxes on our sovereign soil. It can subjugate its own people all it wants, but it must not be allowed to turn New Hampshire residents doing business entirely in the state of New Hampshire into subjects of the state of Massachusetts.
When you pay 10% of your state troopers more than the Governor: you are hard up for tax revenue.Via Club For Growth.