Friday, February 27, 2009

Judge Milton Shadur sets 'Fast Eddie Vrdolyak' free

Chicago critic Andy Martin reports:
I first encountered federal judge 'Shady Milt' Shadur when he was still a lawyer in private practice.

I was a young law student who assisted newspaper reporters on an investigation into two corrupt judges on the Illinois Supreme Court. Even before my diploma was issued the word out on the street: the Illinois Supreme Court was going to destroy me as an example to other potential corruption-fighters who might expose judicial corruption. The Supreme Court judges launched a vicious and cruel campaign of character assassination against me, because I was too honest, not because I was dishonest.

The Illinois Supreme Court appointed 'Shady Milt' to crucify me with a laundry list of false accusations and impertinent investigations. Among other matters, Shadur and his associates in crime were obsessed with my love life, and my sources in Viet-Nam. Even then Shady Milt was doing the biding of crooks.