Harvard Law School is having a conference to analyze the “free market mindset.” The basic premise of the conference seems to be that people who believe in limited government are psychologically troubled.Via Club For Growth.You have to understand,Harvard wants everyone to pay taxes:except universities like Harvard that get to compound their wealth tax free.If everyone got Harvard's tax deal then Harvard couldn't steal money from the taxpayers every year.Harvard has done quite well in rent seeking off the taxpayers.This is the essence of the late Harvard philosopher John Rawls: in the name of egalitarianism everyone should re-distribute money to Harvard while Harvard doesn't pay any taxes and defines' those who want Harvard's tax situation as "mentally ill".The Harvard/John Rawls Theory of Justice.
The conference schedule features presentations such as “How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community” and “Addicted to Incentives: How the Ideology of Self Interest Can Be Self-Fulfilling.” The most absurd presentation, though, may be the one entitled, “Colossal Failure: The Output Bias of Market Economies.” According to the description, the author argues that the market “delivers excessive levels of consumption.” Damn those entrepreneurs for creating so much wealth!
In the good old days of Soviet dictatorship, the regime classified dissidents as being mentally ill (after all, only a nutcase would fail to see the glories of communism).
Now that leftists at Harvard want to portray laissez-faire philosophy as being somewhat akin to a mental disorder, maybe the next step will be re-education camps
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Is Libertarianism a Sign of Mental Illness? Harvard Law School to Have Conference
CATO reports: