Wednesday, January 14, 2009

At McDonald’s, the Happiest Meal Is Hot Profits

Wal-Mart and McDonald's were the only stocks in the Dow 30 to gain in share price last year.The New York Times reports on McDonald's and their impressive CEO Jim Skinner:
MR. SKINNER, who has been in charge at McDonald’s since November 2004, is not your typical corporate titan, and that may explain why his name isn’t on the short list of celebrity chief executives who are regularly featured on the covers of business magazines (and are now struggling to stay afloat).

He is the son of an Iowa bricklayer and never graduated from college. He began his career at McDonald’s flipping burgers, and he continues to eat there every day, favoring a quarter-pounder with no cheese or condiments.
No word on from the Big Education lobby on the fact that Jim Skinner is a success without a college degree.