Public universities, 2007-08
1) E. Gordon Gee, Ohio State University: $1,346,225
2) Mark Emmert, University of Washington: $887,870
3) John Casteen III, University of Virginia: $797,048
4) Mark Yudof, University of Texas system: $786,045 (resigned June 2008)
5) Mary Sue Coleman, University of Michigan system: $760,196
Private universities, 2006-07*
1) David Sargent, Suffolk University: $2,800,461 (inflated by some one-time bonuses)
2) E. Gordon Gee, Vanderbilt University: $2,065,143 (stepped down to move to Ohio State)
3) Henry S. Bienen, Northwestern University: $1,742,560
4) Lee C. Bollinger, Columbia University: $1,411,894
5) Shirley Ann Jackson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: $1,326,774
Monday, November 17, 2008
Top compensation of university presidents
The Seattle Times reports: