Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Silencing of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright

The National Review reports:
The silence from Ayers and Wright calls into suspicion at least two groups: the mainstream media and the Obama-Biden campaign.

The mainstream media, not surprisingly, is yet again happily failing to do its job. It is doing cartwheels trying to devise the most ridiculous, transparent “gotcha” questions for Sarah Palin. Liberal journalists are literally digging through the closet of Governor Palin, not to mention rummaging through any skeletons in Cindy McCain’s closet.

It is inconceivable that liberal “journalists” would ignore right-wing equivalents to Ayers and Wright if they existed in John McCain’s background. Reporters from major dailies and weeklies have been pounding on the door of Sarah Palin’s innocent little church in Alaska for two months now. It’s a much shorter trip to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where no doubt someone has bumped into Rev. Wright recently, or has a thought on his whereabouts.
The MSM sure is something,aren't they? They sure demand payment from the Obama campaign for the work they've done.