Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Justice Scalia Makes Fun Of Obama's Fluff Course At University of Chicago Law School

Supreme Court Justice Scalia makes fun of Obama's law school course.As the Chicago Sun-Times reports:
On the eve of today's 221st anniversary of the U.S. Constitution's adoption, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told conservative lawyers in Chicago that the University of Chicago Law School — where he used to teach — has lost its edge and gone liberal.

Back in the days when Scalia — the court's most vocal supporter of adhering to the text of the constitution — used to teach at the school, which was then more associated with conservative economist Milton Friedman. The courses had more rigor and the school had a more conservative ethos, Scalia told 500 members of the conservative Federalist Society of lawyers at the Union League Club Tuesday.

After Scalia left the school, it hired now-Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and started offering classes like Obama's popular "Current issues in Racism and the Law."

Scalia never mentioned Obama or any other professor. But Scalia bemoaned the proliferation of exotic law classes in the country's law schools.

"I took nothing but bread-and-butter classes, not "Law and Poverty," or other made-up stuff, Scalia said to laughter. He said his advice to law students was: "Take serious classes. There's so much law to learn. Don't waste your time."
Maybe Obama isn't the constitutional law professor he's made out to be.