Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Government Intervention Caused Financial Crisis

John Stossel reports:
Governments at all levels have regulated and subsidized the housing and financial industries for years. Nothing changed under President Bush.

At the Division of Labour Web log, an economist, Lawrence White, asks: "What deregulation have we had in the last decade? Please tell me. On the contrary, we've had a strengthening of the Community Reinvestment Act, which has encouraged banks to make mortgage loans to borrowers who previously would have been rejected ... "

The government-backed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were created precisely to interfere with the housing and mortgage markets. In effect, Freddie and Fannie diverted money to people who wouldn't have qualified for mortgages in a real private market.

Had actual private companies performed these activities, they would have been subject to market checks. But they were not. The results were predictable.

Now that it's all tumbling down, the politicians and pundits blame the free market.
You'll want to read this one twice.Without the Federal Reserve system and Fannie and Freddie there wouldn't be much artificial leverage.