Friday, August 08, 2008

John Edwards admits he lied about having affiar

The Chicago Sun-Times reports on the aftermath of the Edwards scandal:
David Bonior, Edwards' campaign manager for his 2008 presidential bid, said Friday he was disappointed and angry after hearing about Edwards' confession.

''Thousands of friends of the senators and his supporters have put their faith and confidence in him and he's let him down,'' said Bonior, a former congressman from Michigan. ''They've been betrayed by his action.''
and this great quote from Edwards:
''I want to see our party lead on the great moral issues -- yes, me a Democrat using that word -- the great moral issues that face our country,'' Edwards tells the crowd. ''If we want to live in a moral, honest just America and if we want to live in a moral and just world, we can't wait for somebody else to do it. We have to do it.''
Edwards the trial lawyer.