Friday, August 01, 2008

Chicago Police tell aldermen they want online gun offender database

The Chicago Tribune reports:
Chicago police on Thursday praised a proposal to create an online database of gun offenders, complete with photographs and interactive maps, saying it would help both cops on the streets and law-abiding city residents.

"It's a good ordinance," Deputy Police Supt. Steve Peterson told the City Council Police and Fire Committee.

Ald. Ed Burke (14th), who proposed the database, said it would work much like sex-offender registries and had proved useful in New York City and Baltimore.

But the committee held off voting on the measure, in part because the next council meeting is not until September. If approved, anyone convicted of a felony gun offense after its effective date would have to register with the city as a gun offender.

Offenders would have to register within 48 hours of conviction or, if sent to jail or prison, release from the institution. That registration would last for four years.

Conviction for failure to register could result in a six-month jail sentence and $500 fine.

A list of gun offenders would be posted on a city Web site, and that site would include maps residents could use to determine which offenders live within five miles of them.

Megan Alderan, of the police research and development division, said it would initially require four sworn officers, including two detectives, to manage the gun-offender registry, at an annual salary cost of about $270,000. Setting up the Web site would cost about $70,000 more, she said.

But a report by her division also warned that eventually the need for additional staff could grow “much greater,” perhaps tripling the current eight-person staff in the criminal-registration section to 24 sworn officers.
Alderman Burke worked with "high ranking made member" of The Chicago Mob Fred Roti to disarm honest Chicago residents.Now,Alderman Burke wants a gun registry.