Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Chicago Alderman: Who is tipping ICE on immigrant motorist arrests?

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Hispanic aldermen are demanding to know why 59 Chicago motorists with Latino surnames have been arrested for traffic violations and other misdemeanors recently only to land in jail because somebody tipped Immigration and Customs Enforcement in violation of the city's "sanctuary" ordinance.

"We will not tolerate this in Chicago. ... We want to know where it's coming from and who is filing these reports," said Ald. Billy Ocasio (26th), chairman of the City Council's Human Relations Committee.

At a City Council hearing Tuesday, Ald. Danny Solis (25th) was visibly moved by the testimony of a woman with two young children whose husband has been in jail for over five months.

"It all started because he didn't have a driver's license, which shouldn't have been an arrest to send him to the County Jail" in the first place, Solis said.
Some people don't like Federal immigration laws.