Thursday, August 07, 2008

California to buy Exxon Mobil: Ballot Intiative Wants 55% Wealth Tax on Californians with $20 Million

The L.A. Times reports on theft through majority voting:
Democratic and Republican lawmakers in Sacramento just might be bailed out of their budget standoff by a new initiative that would slap a one-time wealth tax of 55% on Californians rude enough to have $20 million or more in property. The ballot measure wouldn't come to voters until June 2010 at the earliest, but that might not be a problem, seeing as how the current year's budget will probably still be stalled.
You might ask what's the purpose?:
Most of the revenue would be used to buy Exxon-Mobil. And Chevron. And GM, Ford, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Citigroup. Why? To assure California of an adequate supply of energy, at stable prices, without offshore drilling. And to repatriate off-shore manufacturers.
As you can see,some people don't believe in property rights.Via Club For Growth