Thursday, July 03, 2008

San Francisco Tells Middle Class: No Housing For You

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:
"A lot of progressives mean well," said ACORN organizer John Eller, "but they are not listening to what people are really saying."

For example, Supervisor Bevan Dufty proposed an initiative that would provide a "density bonus." The idea is that, if developers created below-market family units - rather than tiny studio apartments, for example - they'd get a break on zoning regulations.

The idea was to encourage families to stay in the city by increasing the amount of family-sized subsidized housing with two or more bedrooms. It sounded like a good idea, but progressive members of the board got cold feet after some pushback and pulled their support.

That's unacceptable. The left may be concerned about the guy camping on the street, but where's the help for the family that is working hard to earn enough for a home?
San Francisco's progressives like restricting the supply of housing.