Wednesday, June 04, 2008

St. Sabina protests Pfleger's fate:Rev.Wright Joins the Protest

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Defiant St. Sabina parishioners demanded Cardinal Francis George reinstate their controversial pastor, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, just hours after he was removed Tuesday from his post against his wishes.

"We respectfully request the cardinal immediately reinstate Father Pfleger as full pastor of St. Sabina," Gerald Stewart, president of the parish council, told an estimated 2,000 people packed into the South Side church Tuesday evening. The group included longtime Pfleger friend the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been blasted for his own controversial statements on race.

Stewart said parishioners wanted an immediate meeting with the cardinal to discuss "the future of the entire faith community of St. Sabina." Pfleger did not attend the prayer service, but was on the St. Sabina campus, said Randall Blakey, a parish Cabinet member. Pfleger and Wright went out to dinner after the service.
Father Pfleger sure is special.He adopts kids,he donates money to political campaigns,and he gets to stay at a parish longer than the rules for all other priests.