Friday, June 06, 2008

Obama Says Corruption probes won't be an issue

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
One day after his friend and former fund-raiser was convicted, Barack Obama said Thursday he does not expect corruption investigations in Chicago to be an issue in his presidential campaign.

"I don't think so," Obama said in an interview with FOX-TV Chicago. "I mean I was not ever considered to be part of that particular culture. I knew folks, I worked with them. But you know. I think my reputation has always been somebody who took the integrity of my office very seriously.
For more on the Illinois political culture Obama comes from,click on this.For more on Obama's relationship with convicted felon check kiter Robert Creamer.Creamer is the prolific fundraiser and husband of Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky.Obama feels Creamer is the perfect person to teach young Obama volunteers.