Sunday, June 29, 2008

Barack Obama urges Tesco to work with unions

The U.K. Telegraph reports:
Barack Obama, the US presidential candidate, has become embroiled in the long-running battle between the United Food & Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) and Tesco over union recognition.

Mr Obama has written to Tesco chief executive Sir Terry Leahy urging him to engage with the union.

The letter is not the first time that the senator and Democratic nominee has raised the issue of union recognition at Fresh & Easy, Tesco's US convenience chain. In November 2007 he wrote to Fresh & Easy chief executive Tim Mason.

Mr Obama wrote in his latest letter: "I again urge you to reconsider your policy of non-engagement in the United States and advise your executives at Fresh & Easy to meet with the UFCW. I am aware of Tesco's reputation in Britain as a partner to unions. I would hope that you would bring those values to your work in America."
Obama is pro-union,which is very typical for a Chicago style politician.