Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rezko jurors will work late 'to help conclude our decision'

AP reports:
The federal court jury deliberating charges against political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko has told the judge it plans to work late two nights this week "to help conclude our decision."

The jury handed U.S. District Judge Amy J. St. Eve a note last week saying it wanted to break off deliberations at noon Tuesday but work until 5:50 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday.

The jurors said that would "help conclude our decision." St. Eve brought attorneys into court Tuesday to put the note on the record.

Attorneys said the phrase "conclude our decision" did not necessarily mean the jurors were promising to come up with a verdict Thursday and that the note could be read various ways.

Rezko, 52, a major fundraiser for Sen. Barack Obama and Gov. Rod Blagojevich, is charged with fraud, attempted extortion, money laundering and aiding and abetting bribery. Neither politician is charged with any wrongdoing.