Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sharpton: Criticism of Rev. Wright 'grossly unfair'

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
In a major speech Tuesday, presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, a longtime member of the church, reacted to questions about his relationship with Jeremiah Wright, denouncing some of the language in the pastor's fiery sermons.

Sharpton said he supports Wright and his daughter, who "is president of the chapter and will remain president of the chapter."

Sharpton said the recent firestorm over Jeremiah Wright's comments in the pulpit is "grossly unfair."

"He has a right to express his views," he said. "This is ridiculous. I think Jeremiah Wright has been totally distorted."
No word yet from Don Imus on this one.I guess Al Sharpton is only upset when white people like Don Imus make racist comments.