Monday, March 24, 2008

Police in NYC Suburbs Face Charges

Newsmax reports:
Manslaughter, rape, assault. A recent spate of allegations against police officers on the outskirts of New York City has raised fears that a big-city problem has invaded the suburbs.

"You don't want this to go on anywhere but you certainly don't expect it in the suburbs," said Alicia Barnes of White Plains, a mother of 2-year-old twins.

Experts agreed, however, that the suburbs are not immune.

"Law enforcement in the suburbs is only as good as the patchwork of police departments that exists in each county," said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union.

"It takes proper oversight and accountability to ensure that the police are our friends, our protectors, and not bullies who think they are above the law."
No word yet from the gun control advocates on this one.