Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ecoterror resurfaces with Seattle arsons

CS Monitor reports:
In recent years, it seemed as though law-enforcement agencies had finally been able to achieve major breakthroughs against "ecoterrorism" carried out by environmental and animal-rights radicals, much of it in the Pacific Northwest.

But the arson fires involving several new luxury homes near Seattle Monday indicate that small, self-contained cells of saboteurs continue to plot and carry out attacks in the name of environmental activism, officials say.

"Even though the number of spectacular arsons in the name of ELF [Earth Liberation Front] and ALF [Animal Liberation Front] decreased in the past couple of years, the level of criminal activity carried out on behalf of these movements has not slowed down a bit," says Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism in New York.

"For every successful conviction in an older ELF or ALF attack, there are dozens of new actions being planned and carried out, and not just against property. The deliberate targeting of individuals has become even more widespread and violent."
Some people really are against property rights,and they get violent about it.