Friday, February 15, 2008

Will Obama and Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders Team Up to Force Pro-Union TV Shows on You?

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders with the big time endorsement of Barack Obama is working for "change".Not too long ago Comrade Sanders went to Atlanta to talk to America's largest socialist organization about "change".Comrade Sanders is upset with what you are watching on TV.Let's quote Comrade Sanders at the gig in Atlanta:
Have you ever in your life seen a program on television talking about the benefits of trade unionism? You don't see those things.Somehow you've got 800 TV stations on the local cable,but a few companies own them all.They've got probably six companies that control almost all the media,but they think that's too diverse.They want to deregulate it even more.And we've got to stop them.
We have to focus on this issue of the media,so when you turn on the radio you can hear something other than Rush Limbaugh.So that when you turn on the television,maybe you can see some real reflection of the lives of the American people,rather than just the rich and famous.And maybe you can see some vision of solidarity,rather than Survivor,where it's me against you.Maybe a program where we're in it together.But we have to take a hard look at corporate control over the media and see what we can do to have a media focus on localism.
No word yet from Comrade Sanders on the heroic nature of unions and the Gambino crime family.Also no word yet from Comrade Sanders on union movement in Obama's hometown.