Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Question of Obama's Skin Color

The American Thinker reports:
Sadly (for Obama) it all comes down to the race. As much as Obama would like to believe that race is no longer an issue for us voters, it absolutely is an issue, and may even be the source of his charismatic power. Let's play a pretend to see how it works. Pretend that Barack Obama is white. Imagine a white, mostly inexperienced junior senator from Illinois with the exact same ideas and speeches.

Does it have the same effect? Imagine a lanky white candidate with the exact same rhetoric and the exact same calls for "change." Is the image as powerful? Does he seem as attractive to you? Are you even listening?

Barack Obama is able to compensate for his lack of experience by being black. And to me this is a shame, because I think there were a handful of highly qualified Democrats with betters ideas and a whole lot more experience who were out-dazzled by Obama's race.

What I really want is to ask you for a favor. There are a lot of Obama groupies who I know cannot fully explain or articulate their attraction to Obama in terms of real or even imagined policies. If this sounds like your or someone you love, please ask why you are drawn to this man.
His skin color isn't hurting him in the Democratic primaries.