Monday, February 25, 2008

Larry Sinclair Fails Polygraph Test

Dlisted reports:
Larry Sinclair was the guy that took to YouTube and claimed he gave Barack Obama a blowjob in 1999. He also claimed he did drugs with Obama in his limousine after the two met at an upscale lounge in Chicago. Larry agreed to take a polygraph for (not affiliated with the government.) reports that deception was found in both tests.

They wrote: "Dr. Ed Gelb, Former President of the American Polygraph Association was the Polygraph expert selected by He has done over 30,000 polygraph examinations over his long career. There were two polygraph tests administered by Dr. Gelb on Friday. the first polygraph asked Mr. Sinclair on his sex claims. The second polygraph test asked Mr. Sinclair on the drug use claims. There was deception indicated in both tests." paid Larry $10,000 just for taking the test. They promised him $100,000 if he passed the test. Larry later agreed to a different payout. He just wanted his mother's bills paid off and $10,000 going to charity. Larry didn't pass the test, so he only got the 10 grand.
No word yet from the Clinton campaign on this one.