Richard Roeper, of the incredible shrinking Chicago Sun-Times raised a question today concerning criticisms of Barack Obama. Roeper cannot fathom why his opponents have ratcheted up their criticism of the Democratic front runner. Much of the recent criticisms may be expressed in the form of another rhetorical question: “Where’s the scrutiny?”Don't expect the New York Times to lead the way on the Obama background.
Other campaigns have begun to openly question Obama’s lack of accomplishments and to criticize the media for giving him a free pass in terms of his experience and qualifications. When former President Clinton disparaged Obama’s record by calling it “a fairy tale,” Obama’s spin doctors suggested that it was a divisive comment and a form of veiled racism.
Roeper trotted out Obama’s standard campaign biography and pronounced him qualified. Once again, Obama’s resume was not subjected to a critical examination. His position as the first African American to serve as the leader of the Harvard Law Review was singled out. Significantly, Roeper failed to mention that the standards for selecting law students for this prestigious position have been altered. I spoke to a former classmate, who is now a judge in New England, and was informed that grades alone are no longer the sole criterion in being selected for the law review. A new formula was created to promote greater diversity and inclusion. According to my source, Obama was a direct beneficiary of this rules change.
Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, constantly point to their academic credentials, but seldom refer to the affirmative action policies that enabled them to attend elite universities. Is it purely coincidental that Michelle Obama received a promotion and a substantial salary increase immediately after her husband was elected to the U.S. Senate? What about the curious real estate transaction that put the happy couple into a $1.6 dollar mansion? Of course, to Roeper, that is all so much old news. Obama is ethical. He told us so.
Similarly, Obama’s law school faculty position at the University of Chicago is often cited, but rarely do the accounts mention the fact that Obama was in a fact an adjunct professor (i.e. a part-time instructor). This is not necessarily a bad thing. Many working professionals teach on a part-time basis, but it does seem as if the Obama campaign has gone out of its way to exaggerate his meager resume.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Are Barack Obama and His Wife Affirmative Action Wonders?
The Chicago Daily Observer reports: