Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hillary donors slept in Lincoln bedroom

The Washington Times reports:
Nearly one in five big-money contributors to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign, known as "Hillraisers," are the same donors who surfaced in a 1996 White House scandal involving sleepovers in the Lincoln Bedroom and other perks to help re-elect President Clinton.

Forty-nine of the Clintons’ Lincoln bedroom guests are among the 250 Hillraisers listed on Mrs. Clinton's campaign Web page, who have pledged to gather, or "bundle," at least $100,000 in donations. Some have promised to raise $1 million or more for the 2008 campaign and 16 have given $120,000 to Mrs. Clinton's political action committee, HILLPAC.

Some of the Hillraisers are longtime friends who have given millions to the Clintons over the years.
Hillary is for sale.