Monday, February 25, 2008

Cook County Government Worker Threatens to Put Curse on Those Against Record Tax Increases

CBS TV Chicago reports:
Emotions run high as Cook County considers whether to raise the sales tax here.

CBS 2's Joanie Lum reports members of the public offered dramatic testimony on the two things no one wants: No one wants to cut health care in Cook County, and no one wants to raise taxes.

"We oppose these tax increases because this government has failed to take seriously the need to manage the $3 billion taxpayers already provided this government," said Larry Msall of the Civic Federation.

"It's time out for playing games," said Pastor James Thomas of First Corinthian Baptist Church. "We expect you to stand up for the people of Cook County. Pass this budget."

One hospital worker threatened to put a curse on the commissioners who would not support the tax increase to help health care.

"The name of the curse is redemption of health care," said David Herrera of AFSCME.
Your tax increase is their salary increase.No word yet from the Obama campaign on this one since he supports the Cook County Democratic Machine.The greed of government workers is insatiable,especially when the City of Chicago already has the highest retail sales tax of any large city in the nation.