Friday, February 15, 2008

Blagojevich Lobbying Super Delegates For Obama

Chicago Public Radio reports:
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich says he's lobbying fellow super delegates on behalf of Barack Obama.

With the Democratic presidential candidates running neck and neck, the nomination may come down to super delegates, about 800 politicians and party insiders who can back any candidate at the nominating convention.

Blagojevich is one of those super delegates.

BLAGOJEVICH: Let me quickly point out, I consider myself a super duper delegate for Obama. I'm calling other governors on his behalf to convince them that he should be our nominee and our next president, and it's an easy sell so far. So far so good.

Despite the campaigning, the governor says he hopes the nomination isn't decided by super delegates - especially if they don't back the candidate supported by the majority of voters.
Rezko's boys.