Friday, January 25, 2008

Lawyer With Rezko Link Helped Hillary Clinton

By popular demand because the Chicago Sun-Times took down the link,we give you this post based on the interesting June 25,2007 story:
A lawyer referenced in a public-corruption indictment of Wilmette businessman Tony Rezko is among the hosts of a Chicago fund-raising dinner tonight for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign.

Clinton (D-N.Y.) has no direct connection to Rezko. But one of 20 "chairs" for her Palmer House Hilton event is Myron Cherry, who is among a large circle of people to be enmeshed in two federal indictments Rezko is fighting. Most of those people, including Cherry, have not been charged with any crimes.

Rezko figures more centrally to Clinton's chief rival, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Rezko has donated money directly to Obama's state and U.S. Senate campaigns, hosted fund-raisers for Obama and once owned a parcel of land next to Obama's house.

In a rare confluence, the Obama campaign tonight will be raising money just blocks away from Clinton's during an event at Fulton's on the River restaurant.

Philip Singer, a Clinton spokesman, declined to comment about the ethics of Cherry helping host an event for the New York senator. Cherry himself said he has done nothing wrong and that his role "if any" in Rezko's prosecution "might be as a potential witness."

Cherry is a longtime Democratic contributor and "bundler" who has been valuable to campaigns because he can land donations from a large network of acquaintances. In March 2000, Cherry hosted President Bill Clinton at his Lincolnwood home for a fund-raiser that raised more than $700,000 for the Democratic National Committee.

In October, Cherry surfaced as "Individual H" in a Rezko fraud indictment that involves pension investments made by the Teachers' Retirement System of Illinois. He allegedly was slated to be the recipient of a fee on one proposed investment deal even though he did no work.
Hillary might have to use other ammo on Obama.