Monday, January 28, 2008

Huffington Post Blogger Blames Rezko's Arrest on the Clintons

Huffington Post blogger Martin Lewis is upset:
Federal agents loyal to Bill & Hillary Clinton today staged a dawn swoop to arrest Barack Obama's friend Antoin "Tony" Rezko in a blatant attempt to damage and dilute media coverage of the Kennedy-Obama endorsement.

Instigating this flagrant abuse of power by federal agents to arrest a man who Barack Obama has been close friends with for only 18 years - and who has donated only $170,000 to Obama's campaigns - is yet another example of the disgusting "do-anything-to-win" tactics of the shameless Clintons.

Asked about the man who is facing trumped-up charges of extortion, money laundering and fraud -- brought by Patrick Fitzgerald (a shady prosecutor who previously framed Irv "Scooter" Libby) -- Obama has quite rightly refused to mention Rezko by name. Instead he refers to the man who he had previously described as his "political godfather" simply as "This Individual"...
No this isn't a the Onion.