Sunday, January 27, 2008

Does California Care If It's New Socialist Health Plan Is Legal?

The Sacramento Bee reports:
The most troublesome assumption, however, is that the state could purchase insurance coverage from private insurers for $250 per person per month – scarcely half of what the largest purchaser of private insurance in the state, the California Public Employees' Retirement System, now pays. Were it to climb to just $300, the legislative analyst determined, deficits would quickly climb into the multibillion-dollar range.

Strangely, another very important issue arose only in the final minutes of the hearing – the strong possibility that imposing health care mandates on employers would be illegal under federal law – and was quickly dismissed. The prevailing attitude appears to be to enact something and hope that it can pass legal muster, a rather irresponsible approach.
California doesn't have money to fund it's new budget but it wants to expand health care.Imagine that.